Live Like Grunt - Hardcover


Nikki and her husband read to their daughter Andi every single day. While on maternity leave, Nikki reflected on stories of her childhood, and decided to put them into a children’s book. 

Her first children’s book is a story about a yellow lab who gave our family unconditional love and loyalty for about a dozen years. Grunt was his name and love was his game.

Book is hardcover.

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“Live Like Grunt” is a story about a yellow lab who gave the Burdine family unconditional love and loyalty for about a dozen years. Grunt was his name and love was his game. Miles and Denise Burdine brought Grunt home for their three girls, Nikki, Laura, and Alyce. His name came from Miles, who is a USMC Colonel, also known as a “Grunt.” They do the hard work, the dirty work, the groundwork...the Grunt work. Grunt Dog also adorably grunted quite a bit as a puppy. Grunt followed the girls wherever they went, did whatever they did, and was always happy to do so. The feeling was mutual. But the girls slowly learned, it was Grunt’s attitude that was worth emulating. Miles created a daily “Thoughts by Grunt Dog” email he sent out to his girls. The ‘thoughts’ were often accompanied by a picture of Grunt Dog and a quote. This book is a collection of “Thoughts by Grunt Dog” that make for great life lessons for any family.